


When you download or purchase an App you do so through a third party mobile application online store. You may be required to register with the mobile app store and be logged on before you can download or purchase an App. When downloading an App the app provider will typically collect certain device and app-related information.
Our Apps sometimes send push notifications, or notices of interest sent out to in the absence of a specific request, to your mobile device. In the event a Our Apps uses push notifications, you are provided an opportunity to opt into receiving those push notifications. If you decline to accept push notifications, you will not receive push notifications, which means you may not receive the most current updates and features of the App.
Our Apps will collect precise information about the location of your mobile device, but you can opt-out by changing the settings on your mobile device. If you decline to share your location with the App, you may not receive the most accurate recommendations.
Our Apps do not collect the unique identification number assigned to your device by your operating system (sometimes called a UDID), or your contact list or address book, and do not collect any information on the contacts stored in your mobile device. This information will only be collected if it is necessary for the functioning of an App and will be disclosed to you prior to downloading the App.
You have the right of election when it comes to how Apps function on your mobile device. You may be able to:
  • manage push notifications by using your built-in mobile device settings and controls;
  • manage location information by using your built-in mobile device settings and controls;
  • manage/restrict in-app purchases by using your built-in mobile device settings and controls;
  • block navigation to the web by turning off network access on the device or turning off the browser.
Access to or availability of controls may vary depending on your device.
